Connections July '22
July 1
From that time Jesus began to proclaim,
“Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.”
Matthew 4:17
This devotion appeared in the Daily Grace devotion from our Women of the ELCA (WELCA). I thought I would share it as we head into the hectic weekend…
Blessings, Pastor Phil
Not Balance, But Repentance
My friend, a Catholic sister, once responded with a chuckle to my five-minute lament on how I long for more balance in my life. It was not the response I had anticipated. I had hoped she would put a comforting arm around my shoulder, and tell me what a saint I was. Instead, she laughed and said, “Balance is too much work!”
Balance is not the answer to an overextended schedule. You can prioritize, analyze, and criticize all you want to but the facts remain. There are just too many false gods in our lives. Our schedule can be a false god fashioned in our own likeness. It is not balance that’s needed here, but repentance.
A simple act of prayer attached to an ordinary responsibility brings the presence of God into our daily lives and frees us from the mundane moments that eat up our time. Combining work with worship allows us to be extravagant with our time and still feel refreshed.
This message is based on “Finding Your Pace,” a resource written by Barbara DeGrote-Sorensen that appeared in Programs, Retreats, and Devotions 2 published by Women of the ELCA in 1996.
July 2
Go on your way.
See, I am sending you out
like lambs into the midst of wolves.
Luke 10:3
Here is a beautiful prayer inspired by the Gospel reading for tomorrow.
Luke 10:1-11, 16-20
Go on your way; behold, I am sending you like lambs among wolves. Luke 10:3
As a mother will bear
her babe in arms,
so you cradle
us in your
Please, now,
send us
no sack,
no sandals,
no moneybags,
yet with
wealth beyond
all telling:
your grace and your love
for your poor.
The 4th Sunday after Pentecost
July 3
Worship at 9:00 this mooring. It will be posted online here.
The Prayer of the Day
O God, the Father of our Lord Jesus,
you are the city that shelters us,
the mother who comforts us.
With your Spirit
accompany us on our life's journey,
that we may spread your peace in all the world,
through your Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.
July 4
A blessed 4th of July to you!
Let us give thanks for the many blessings we enjoy in our nation, and let us pray for peace for all the world!
Lord of all the worlds,
guide this nation by your Spirit
to go forward in justice and freedom.
Give to all our people the blessings
of well-being and harmony,
but above all things give us faith in you,
that our nation may bring glory to your name
and blessings to all peoples,
through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.
I think the words to this hymn are rich, and the tune is very nice.
Lloyd Stone
tune - Jean Sibelius
This is my song O God of all the nations
A song of peace for lands afar and mine
This is my home the country where my heart is
Here are my hopes my dreams my holy shrine
But other hearts in other lands are beating
With hopes and dreams as true and high as mine.
My country's skies are bluer than the ocean
And sunlight beams on cloverleaf and pine
But other lands have sunlight too and clover
And skies are everywhere as blue as mine
O hear my song O God of all the nations
A song of peace for their land and for mine.
This is my prayer O God of all earth's kingdoms
Your kingdom come on earth your will be done
O God be lifted up till all shall serve you
And hearts united learn to live as one
So hear my prayer O God of all the nations
Myself I you let your will be done
July 5
As God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience. Bear with one another and, if anyone has a complaint against another, forgive each other; just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive
Colossians 3:12-13
No devotions this morning!!??!!
I’m sorry about that. I sort of knew I had not prepared them and I sort of forgot. Well, please forgive me, and consider this late offering as something for us to consider in our walk together.
I collect one liners. I have a couple documents on my computer, dozens of pages with lines that can be insightful, helpful, inspiring, thought provoking.
Searching the word guilt on one of them, I see this line:
“Sin is not so much a problem
of guilt that needs to be removed,
as hurt that needs to be healed.”
I’m not sure where I got that one, but it seems helpful.
I’m sorry about this devotion being late. I also know that you weren’t hurt by my oversight, and so, I need not feel a whole lot of guilt.
At the same time, thanks for your graciousness. Thank you for reading these with me and joining me in prayer.
With the things that we do that hurt others, our need is great, and there, we find ourselves hoping desperately for God’s forgiveness and healing.
May God’s forgiveness give life and hop[e to you and to all of your relationships.
Peace, Pastor Phil
July 6
If then there is any encouragement in Christ,
any consolation from love,
any sharing in the Spirit,
any compassion and sympathy,
make my joy complete:
be of the same mind,
having the same love,
being in full accord
and of one mind.
Philippians 2:1-2
I just read a sweet essay by Michael Gerson, who vowed that he would not live without a dog again. He had gone for close to a year without a dog, and now he has a new puppy. His previous dog, Latte, had accompanied him through some very difficult passages of life, and looking back, he was sharing gratitude for the Latte’s loving presence with him through thick and thin.
He wondered a bit about the grief that seems inevitable with owning a dog, and then he concluded that the joy a dog brings to life is worth it, because a the joy a dog brings to our world, renews our own joy in life.
This made me think wistfully of our dog Wiggles, whom we buried with a prayer of thanksgiving on July 4th. It also made me wonder about you and me. Might our relationships with one another be an occasion for a sharing of joy that renews joy in one another?
I suspect so.
May we all share our joy with one another with faithfulness and love.
Peace to you, Pastor Phil
July 7
Just then a lawyer stood up to test Jesus.
“Teacher,” he said, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?”
Luke 10:25
On Sunday we hear the Parable of the Good Samaritan.
There are some important questions that shape this story, and might well shape our understanding of Jesus’ call to “go and do likewise.”
You might want to read the story again, and join me in considering the call Jesus offers us in this parable.
Gospel Luke 10:25–37
Just then a lawyer stood up to test Jesus. "Teacher," he said, "what must I do to inherit eternal life?" He said to him, "What is written in the law? What do you read there?" He answered, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself." And he said to him, "You have given the right answer; do this, and you will live."
But wanting to justify himself, he asked Jesus, "And who is my neighbor?” Jesus replied, "A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell into the hands of robbers, who stripped him, beat him, and went away, leaving him half dead. Now by chance a priest was going down that road; and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side. So likewise a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a Samaritan while traveling came near him; and when he saw him, he was moved with pity. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, having poured oil and wine on them. Then he put him on his own animal, brought him to an inn, and took care of him. The next day he took out two denarii, gave them to the innkeeper, and said, 'Take care of him; and when I come back, I will repay you whatever more you spend.' Which of these three, do you think, was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of the robbers?" He said, "The one who showed him mercy." Jesus said to him, "Go and do likewise."
July 8
"Yet he did not leave himself without witness, for he did good by giving you rains from heaven and fruitful seasons, satisfying your hearts with food and gladness."
Acts 14:17 (ESV)
I want to share a reflection from Henri Nouwen. I have shared insights and prayers from this Catholic priest, professor and spiritual writer before. The Henri Nouwen Society has a daily devotion from his writings, and this is from this past Sunday…
As we enter the weekend, may this thought provoking meditation and prayer help you to see the many ways that creation speaks of resurrection.
Everything is Indeed Good
I just returned from a walk through the dark woods.
It was cool and windy, but everything spoke of you.
Everything: the clouds, the trees, the wet grass,
the valley with its distant lights, the sound of the wind.
They all spoke of your resurrection;
they all made me aware that everything is indeed good.
In you all is created good,
and by you
all creation is renewed
and brought to an even greater glory
than it possessed at its beginning.
O Lord,
I know now that it is in silence, in a quiet moment, in a forgotten corner
that you will meet me, call me by name and speak to me a word of peace.
It is in my stillest hour that you become the risen Lord to me.
July 9
Which of these three, do you think,
was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of the robbers?”
He said, “The one who showed him mercy.”
Jesus said to him,
“Go and do likewise.”
Luke 10:36-37
The Gospel reading tomorrow is the parable of the Good Samaritan. Here is a prayer inspired by this life giving and challenging story…
Luke 10:25-37
He said to Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?”
I love you.
Expand my heart;
Let me love my neighbors.
Make us brave enough to cleanse wounds,
give shelter to travelers when
needed, help pay bills
and lend a helping
When we love you
in our neighbor,
let us find
Copyright © 2022, Anne M. Osdieck. All rights reserved.
Permission is hereby granted to reproduce for personal or parish use.
July 10
5th Sunday after Pentecost
July 10
Today we will hear the Parable of the Good Samaritan.
This wonderful story offers us so much!
I hope to see you in worship this morning
The Prayer of the Day today:
O Lord God,
your mercy delights us,
and the world longs for your loving care.
Hear the cries of everyone in need,
and turn our hearts to love our neighbors
with the love of your Son,
Jesus Christ,
our Savior and Lord.
July 11
But now thus says the LORD,
he who created you, O Jacob,
he who formed you, O Israel:
Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;
I have called you by name, you are mine.
Isaiah 43:1
I like this story…
“A little one said to her grandpa.
“Grandpa tell me a story.” “What kind of story?” the grandfather asked.
“One about me” she replied.
I suspect that is the kind of story we all want to hear.
Listen for stories about you this week. They involve the creator of all things, loving you now and always!
Peace to you, Pastor Phil
July 12
They offered great sacrifices that day and rejoiced, for God had made them rejoice with great joy; the women and children also rejoiced. The joy of Jerusalem was heard far away.
Nehemia 12:43
It is Rodeo Week!
This was more an issue for previous generations - but there still is a bit of a perspective that when we live as those saved by God in Christ - we must be serious all the time.
Not so.
There are all sorts of verses one could turn to that speak of God’s people rejoicing and celebrating. So, may our Rodeo celebrations give life and joy! Let us “rejoice with those who rejoice." (Romans 12)
Blessings to you, Pastor Phil
July 13
Be kind to one another,
tenderhearted, forgiving one another,
as God in Christ has forgiven you.
Ephesians 4:32
Is it a requirement that on Rodeo week, the temperature approaches the high 90’s? It sure seems like it.
This week of revelry; I want to share this interesting line.
I am not sure where I first encountered it, but I added it to my list of excellent quotes years ago.
“The happiest people are less forgetting
and more forgiving.”
Like many, I suspect that the phrase “forgive and forget” often does not fit the occasion of forgiveness. Each has its own shape and needs. (There are times, when forgiveness should be accompanied by remembering, as well as appropriate legal action. For example, in cases of abuse.)
That being said…
May the forgiveness Christ grants you be a gift that enriches your relationships with others, and may forgiveness lead to happiness.
Peace, Pastor Phil
July 14
They are to do good,
to be rich in good works,
generous, and ready to share,
thus storing up for themselves
the treasure of a good foundation for the future,
so that they may take hold of the life that really is life.
I Timothy 6:18-19
A few years ago someone told me about how they enjoyed The Book of Joy, written by Desmond Tutu and the Dalai Lama.
I recently saw this excerpt, where Bishop Tutu speaks of “Ubuntu.” Ubuntu is a perspective / a philosophy / a belief that we are all bound together, and that we are called to share ourselves with others, and to care for all around us.
“I mean simply to say that ultimately
our greatest joy is when we seek to do good for others…
It’s how we are made.
I mean we are wired to be compassionate…
We are wired to be caring for the other and generous to one another.
We shrivel when we are not able to interact…
We depend on the other in order for us to be fully who we are…
The concept we have here at home, Ubuntu, says:
A person is a person through other persons…
Ubuntu says when I have a small piece of bread,
it is for my benefit that I share it with you.
Because, after all,
none of us came into the world on our own.”
(Desmond Tutu) – His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu with Douglas Abrams, The Book of Joy, p. 59-60
We belong to one another. I hope to see you in worship on Sunday.
Pax, Pastor Phil
July 15
But now thus says the LORD,
he who created you, O Jacob,
he who formed you, O Israel:
Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;
I have called you by name, you are mine.
Isaiah 43:1
One of the things I like about Rodeo week, is how it serves as a “homecoming” time for so many. People gather from near and far to be with family and to enjoy this week’s festivities.
I suspect that, in some small measure, these times of homecoming serve to connect folks to their own roots and to their own selves.
Each week we gather to hear the promise of the Gospel. I think we sometimes forget that this is, in part, a time to reconnect with who we are, and who we are called to be in the world.
As God’s child, may your homecomings be times of renewal, and may you be sent into the world to serve.
Peace, Pastor Phil
July 16
“Is anything too wonderful for the LORD?”
Genesis 18:14a
The First Lesson tomorrow is the wonderful story of God sending messengers to Abraham and Sarah, to tell them that they will indeed have a child.
Abraham was 100 years old, and Sarah was 90. Abraham had laughed when God repeated the promise that they would have a child. (Gen 17:17) In response, God told him to name this child Isaac - which means “he laughs." Next, Sarah laughed when she heard to promise repeated by angelic visitors, (Gen 18:12) thought she tried to deny it...
As the story continues, we rejoice with them, as Sarah’s laughter of disbelief, and Abraham’s incredulous laughter, is turned to laughter of joy in the fulfillment of the promise.
I love this line from our reading :
“Is anything too wonderful for the LORD?”
Here is a prayer based on Genesis 18
O God of Abraham and Sarah,
in due season,
you fulfilled a promise almost too wonderful to imagine.
Awaken us to the workings of your will in our midst,
and keep us attentive to the things that matter,
until the day when your mystery,
hidden throughout the ages,
stands fully revealed in the kingdom of all your saints.
Blessings to you, Pastor Phil
6th Sunday after Pentecost
July 17
Worship today at 9:00 a.m. I hope to see you there.
Today we will hear the story of Mary and Martha.
I hope to see you in worship this morning.
The Prayer of the Day today:
Eternal God, you draw near to us in Christ, and you make yourself our guest. Amid the cares of our lives, make us attentive to your presence, that we may treasure your word above all else, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.
July 18
But the Lord answered her,
“Martha, Martha,
you are worried and distracted by many things;
there is need of only one thing.
Mary has chosen the better part,
which will not be taken away from her.”
Luke 10-41-42 23:1
Yesterday we heard the story of the conflict between Mary and Martha. Jesus commends Mary for choosing “the better part.” It has been suggested that the “better part” was love for Jesus and love for the world. I like that idea.
I set this quote aside years ago. It is from George Forell, who taught most of his career at the University of Iowa.
To be a Christian means to belong to a community.
Just as in the New Testament
the term "saint" does not occur in the singular but always in the plural,
so it is impossible to be a Christian in splendid isolation.
…Indeed, we are called to community
but the community which God's call establishes
is a community for the world.
The church exists not for itself
but for the service of the world.
We belong to the church
only if we lose ourselves in service to humankind.
- George Forell “How to speak about God in a Pluralistic World”
July 19
And Jesus said to them,
“Go into all the world
and proclaim the good news
to the whole creation.
Mark 16:15
Trinity received a delightful gift the other day.
A plaque with the challenging and inviting phrase:
“The Church has left the building”
It is fun to consider the many ways in which this speaks the truth.
Along with this gift was a note from our Montana Synod Treasurer, David Scholten. It says:
Trinity Lutheran,
Thank you for your continued faithful support of the work & mission of the MT Synod. Because of you, lives are being changed for good!
Treasurer Dave
The Church is the people gathered. And the Church is the people sent. I pray that you may bless this world in many ways, in the places you - the church - are sent.
Blessings, Pastor Phil
This gift came from Big Sky Soul - a business run by two women with ties to Trinity . Stacey and Brooke’s aunt is Joan Riley, who served on the Call Committee when I came to Trinity. Joan’s son and two girls children were confirmed at Trinity.
July 20
Jesus said to them, “When you pray, say:
Father, hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come.
Luke 11:2
We have worship tonight at 7:00. I encourage you to consider joining us for this somewhat casual, always enjoyable service.
Our Gospel reading this week is from Luke 11, Jesus teaching us the Lord’s Prayer. It is a most simple prayer, yet it is worthy of a lifetime of contemplation.
Here is a quote on prayer from Eugene Peterson, a Presbyterian minister and writer, best known for his paraphrase of the Bible, The Message.
Prayer is not a way in which we order things;
it is a way in which we become ordered.
The primary action in prayer comes from God,
and more often than not
God does not act in ways that we can duplicate,
often not even recognize at the time.
Eugene Peterson
Peace to you, Pastor Phil
July 21
Jesus said to them, “When you pray, say:
Father, hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come.
Luke 11:2
As I mentioned yesterday, our Gospel reading for Sunday is from Luke, Jesus teaching us the Lord’s Prayer.
There are countless books and writings on prayer. It is quite something to consider that when the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray, he gave us this very simple prayer.
Luther considered it a command that Jesus gives us, when he says; "when you pray." He then concludes from that command, that God will surely hear our prayer. This serves as a foundation of confidence that we can pray to God, knowing the God will listen.
Here is a profound line by Martin Luther…
We pray after all because we are unworthy to pray.
The very fact that we are unworthy
and that we dare to pray confidently,
trusting only in the faithfulness of God,
makes us worthy to pray
and to have our prayer answered…
Your worthiness does not help you
and your unworthiness does not hinder you.”
Luther TAL 4:153
May we pray confidently to our God who sent Jesus Christ to give us this prayer, and along with the prayer, the promise to listen…
Peace, Pastor Phil
July 22
Jesus said to them, “When you pray, say:
Father, hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come.
Luke 11:2
Our Gospel reading for Sunday is from Luke 11, Jesus teaching us the Lord’s Prayer, and so I have been reflecting on quotes on prayer.
In my reading, I have run across a few mentions of St Cyprian, a 3rd century bishop who contended against the accusation that Christianity was a secretive cult. He said:
We do not say My Father, who art in heaven or Give me this day my daily bread; nor does each one ask that only his own debt should be forgiven him; nor does he request for himself alone that he may not be led into temptation but delivered from evil. Our prayer is public and common, and when we pray, we pray not for one person but for the whole people, since we, the whole people, are one.
Pastor Al Rogness was president of our seminary in St.Paul before I attended there. He was an excellent writer of brief devotions.
I share this from a collection of many of his devotions “The Word for Everyday.”
In a profound sense we can never be alone, not even with God. When we pray to him and invite him to come to us, we discover that we have no private party with him. He brings with him all who are his. He also brings with him all who are in need and says: “Whatever you have done for the least of these, you have done for me.” So, as we go to our private rooms or sit alone with God, we sense the vast company to which we belong in him, and we cannot escape those whom the Lord asks us to help and to love.
Al Rogness
Blessings, Pastor Phil
July 23
Jesus said to them, “When you pray, say:
Father, hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come.
Luke 11:2
Here is a prayer that is part of the Orthodox tradition, often used as a morning prayer.
Peace to you, I hope to see you in worship tomorrow.
Pax, Pastor Phil
O Lord,
grant that I may meet the coming day in peace.
Help me in all things
to rely upon Thy Holy Will.
In every hour of the day,
reveal Thy will to me.
Bless my dealings with all who surround me.
Teach me to treat all that comes to me
throughout the day with peace of soul,
and with the firm conviction that Thy will governs all.
In all my deeds and words,
guide my thoughts and feelings.
In unforeseen events, let me not forget
that all are sent by Thee.
Teach me to act firmly and wisely,
without embittering and embarrassing others.
Give me the strength to bear the fatigue
of the coming day with all that it shall bring.
Direct my will.
Teach me to pray.
Pray Thou Thyself in me.
Saint Philaret the Metropolitan of Moscow (1782 – 1867)
July 24
7th Sunday after Pentecost
I hope to see you in worship at 9:00 this morning. The service will be posted on the Trinity web site.
The Prayer of the Day today:
Almighty and ever-living God,
you are always more ready to hear
than we are to pray,
and you gladly give more
than we either desire or deserve.
Pour upon us your abundant mercy.
Forgive us
those things that weigh on our conscience,
and give us those good things
that come only through your Son,
Jesus Christ,
our Savior and Lord.
July 25
Jesus said to them, “When you pray, say:
Father, hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come.
Luke 11:2
In the Large Catechism, Luther spends quite a bit of time establishing that since Jesus told us to pray, and gave us the Lord’s Prayer, this means God will hear your prayer.
Here is a nice line from the Large Catechism:
“We should think,
“On my account
this prayer
would not amount to anything;
but it is important
because God has commanded it.””
May each and everyone of us bear a certainty of faith, that God hears your prayers, and desires this relationship with you.
Blessings, Pastor Phil
July 26
Jesus said to them, “When you pray, say:
Father, hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come.
Luke 11:2
Luther scholar Dr. Mary Jane Haemig joined us here at Trinity 5 years ago, to mark the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.
I recall a conversation with her that I wish I could quote more accurately. In one way or another, she likes to suggest that the main goal, or perhaps the greatest accomplishment, of Martin Luther’s Reformation was to set us free to pray to God.
She is the only person I have heard make that suggestion, but it is an interesting one. A major aspect of the Reformation was a reclaiming of the fact that the Gospel is God’s project of establishing and restoring a relationship with you. God does this by calling you to faith in God through Jesus Christ.
Dr. Haemig’s insight might well be that you live out that relationship through prayer…
More from Luther’s Large Catechism.
We allow ourselves to be impeded and deterred
by such thoughts as these:
“I am not holy enough or worthy enough;
if I were as righteous and holy as St. Peter or St. Paul,
then I would pray.”
Away with such thoughts!
The very commandment
that applied to St. Paul
applies also to me.
The second commandment
is given just as much on my account as on his.
He can boast of no better
or holier commandment than I.
Kirsi I. Stjerna, “The Large Catechism of Dr. Martin Luther,” in vol. 2, The Annotated Luther (Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2015), 369.
Peace and Prayer, Pastor Phil
July 27
Jesus said to them, “When you pray, say:
Father, hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come.
Luke 11:2
One last quote from the Large Catechism this week:
To pray, as the second commandment teaches,
is to call on God in every need.
This God requires of us;
it is not a matter of our choice.
It is our duty and obligation to pray
if we want to be Christians…
Kirsi I. Stjerna, “The Large Catechism of Dr. Martin Luther,” in vol. 2, The Annotated Luther (Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2015), 367.
Now, I would like to suggest that if one were unable to pray because of deep loss or depression, Luther might be more gracious in that case.
But - this is quite a thing to say - a challenge and an admonition -
that prayer is an essential part of the life of a Christian.
A few paragraphs earlier in the Large Catechism, as Luther began this section on the Lord's Prayer he wrote: “before we explain the Lord’s Prayer part by part, the most necessary thing is to exhort and encourage people to pray, as Christ and the apostles also did. The first thing to know is this: It is our duty to pray because of God’s command.” pg. 366
And so - let this devotion today be an exhortation to pray.
I suggest you start simply with the Lord’s Prayer, and then let any other joys or concerns you face today be shaped into a prayer to the God who promises to listen…
Blessings, Pastor Phil
July 28
And Jesus said to them,
"Take care!
Be on your guard against all kinds of greed;
for one’s life does not consist
in the abundance of possessions."
Luke 12:15
In his book “Giving to God: The Bible’s Good News about Living a Generous Life;” Mark Allan Powell addresses what the Bible says about stewardship. He suggests that one could say that the Bible speaks about money in 4 ways - and he made an acrostic about it.
The Bible speaks about how you
Acquire money. How you
Regard money. How you
Manage money. How you
Spend money.
A R M S - Arms.
I liked his comment that rather than “spend,” he thought a better word was USE, but he didn’t think people would remember ARMU…
Perhaps you’ve seen the news, the payout for some lottery just surpassed a billion dollars. A wise saint used to tell me she wouldn’t want to win that sort of lottery. She suspected that such a large amount of money would be bad for her.
I bet she would have been able to handle it better than most.
"Take care! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of possessions.”
I’ve heard it suggested that while we all know that having more money will not make you happier, each one of us believes: “I am the exception to that rule.”
Money is not a bad thing. In fact, we are able to do all sorts of good things with money. Money gives us the power to shape an amazing economy, with trade, exchange of goods and more… Yet in the face of the temptation of greed, Jesus tells us to take care, and be on guard.
We know Jesus is right; “life does not consist in the abundance of possessions.” I encourage you to take note of your life, and the gift you are to this world, and the gifts you are called to share.
Peace, Pastor Phil
July 29
The Lord is my shepherd,
I shall not want
Psalm 23:1
I hope you have a nice summer weekend. May God’s presence fill your days with love and meaning…
I was struck by this thought provoking passage from Anne Lamott in an essay published a few weeks ago:
I wake up praying.
I say a prayer some sober people
told me to pray 36 years ago,
because when all else fails, follow instructions.
It helps me to not fixate on who I am,
but on whose.
I am God’s adorable, aging, self-centered, spaced-out beloved.
One man in early sobriety
told me that he had come into recovery as a hotshot
but that other sober men helped him work his way up to servant.
I pray to be a good servant
because I’ve learned that this is the path of happiness.
I pray for my family and all my sick friends
that they have days of grace and healing,
and I end my prayers,
“Make me ever mindful of the needs of the poor.”
May your prayers grow out of “whose you are” and, as God’s beloved, may you “work your way up to servant” bearing love to all whom God places in your path today.
Peace Pastor Phil
July 30
And Jesus said to them,
"Take care!
Be on your guard against all kinds of greed;
for one’s life does not consist
in the abundance of possessions."
Luke 12:15
A Prayer inspired by tomorrow’s Gospel text:
Luke 12:13-21
“Thus will it be for all who store up treasure for themselves but are not rich in what matters to God."
If we own every shirt in the mall
but we don’t clothe
the naked…
If we
have the best wines
but don’t give up a cup of cold water…
If we take time to rake in money
but do not spread
then how rich are we?
Please give us wealth
in what matters
to you.
Copyright © 2013, Anne M. Osdieck. All rights reserved.
Permission is hereby granted to reproduce for personal or parish use.
July 31
So it is with those who store up treasures for themselves but are not rich toward God."
Luke 12:21
Worship at 9:00 this morning. I hope to see you there…
The service will be posted online here
The Prayer of the Day today:
Benevolent God, you are the source, the guide, and the goal of our lives. Teach us to love what is worth loving, to reject what is offensive to you, and to treasure what is precious in your sight, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.