Trinity Connections

Pastor Phil Wold cell - 307-763-1115

Trinity ConnectionS

Sunday worship at 9:00 a.m.

April 30

“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. 

No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”

John 15:12-13

This beatitude is from a book of blessings by Pastor Jan Richardson. Her website, says: “Jan is an artist, writer, and ordained minister in the United Methodist Church.” She uses art and poetry to communicate the Gospel.

I like much of her work and some time ago I set this aside for you.

Blessings to you, Pastor Phil

Blessed Is the One

Blessed is the One
who comes to us
by the way of love
poured out with abandon.

Blessed is the One
who walks toward us
by the way of grace
that holds us fast.

Blessed is the One
who call us to follow
in the way of blessing,
in the path of joy.

- Jan Richardson, “Blessed is the One” in Circle of Grace, p. 125

April 29

I am the vine, you are the branches.

John 15:5

In her weekly reflection on Sunday’s Gospel text, Diana Butler Bass shared a quote from Wendell Berry. Wikipedia will tell you that he is a “novelist, poet, essayist, environmental activist, cultural critic, and farmer.” He turns 90 years old in August.

Dr. Bass was reflecting on how the image of Jesus as the vine, and us as the branches is so very down to earth, and calls us to community in Christ, gathered around the table. 

Here is part of the Wendell Berry quote: 

The miraculous is not extraordinary but the common mode of existence.

It is our daily bread. 

Whoever really has considered the lilies of the field or the birds of the air and pondered the improbability of their existence in this warm world within the cold and empty stellar distances will hardly balk at the turning of water into wine

— which was, after all, a very small miracle. 

We forget the greater and still continuing miracle by which water (with soil and sunlight) 

is turned into grapes.

― Wendell Berry

May you take note of the miraculous - common as it is - and may you know that you are a part of that miracle, and Christ is with you always.

Peace, Pastor Phil

Fifth Sunday of Easter

April 28

I hope to see you at 9:00 worship today.

The service will be posted online.

The Prayer of the Day:

 O God,

you give us your Son as the vine apart from whom we cannot live. Nourish our life in his resurrection,

that we may bear the fruit of love

and know the fullness of your joy,

through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord,

who lives and reigns with you

and the Holy Spirit,

one God,

now and forever.


April 27

"My Father is glorified by this,

that you bear much fruit and become my disciples

John 15:8

A prayer grounded in our Gospel reading for tomorrow.

As a Vinegrower, O God,

you have grafted us onto Christ,

that we may abide as living branches joined to the true Vine. 

Bestow on us the comforting presence of your Holy Spirit,

so that, loving one another with a love that is sincere,

we may become the first fruits of a humanity made new

and bear a rich harvest whose fruits are holiness and peace. 

We ask this through Christ,

with whom you have raised us up in baptism,

the Lord who lives and reigns with you

in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

God for ever and ever.


From Prayers for Sunday and Seasons, Year B, Peter J. Scagnelli, LTP, 1992

Blessings to you today, Pastor Phil

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